Watato Co., Ltd.


From Watato Confectionery to Watato Co., Ltd.

Representative Director: Masaya Watanabe
Location: 2-18-9 Higashi-Hokima, Adachi-ku, Tokyo 121-0063

Store opening hours:
Monday-Friday 8:00-18:00 (Closed on weekends and public holidays)
Phone number: 03-3883-3209 FAX: 03-3883-3206

For confectionery wholesalers, planning companies and store owners


Round and cute sweets that make you smile

Manufacture and wholesale of soybean flour sweets
We also accept special events and OEM products.

Member of Tokyo Confectionery Industry Association, Adachi Ward Rokucho Shopping Association RESK member, Tokyo Confectionery Youth Association member, Tokyo Chamber of Commerce and Industry member

got Gold Award



2008: Received the Finest Gokabo Honorary President Award (art category).
2002: Received the Wakakusa Gokabo Gold Award

Established in 1921


100th anniversary this year

1921 (October 1921)
Founder Tosaku Watanabe
Established as a confectionery wholesaler and retailer, Watanabe Kashiten, in Nihonbashi Hamacho, Chuo Ward, where Nihonbashi Ward and Shiba Ward merged.

1923 (September 1923)
Hit by the Great Kanto Earthquake.

1927 (Showa 2)
Relocated to Minamiwari Sesui-dori, Honjo, Sumida Ward (currently Kamezawa, Sumida Ward) and started manufacturing salted beans.

1932 (Showa 7)
Established a separate company, Dainippon Seika Co., Ltd., with volunteers and entered the biscuit industry.
At Watanabe Kashiten, he started manufacturing five family treasures.

1932 (Showa 10)
Changed the company name from Watanabe Kashiten to Watanabe Kashi Joint Stock Company.
Along with the company name change, it will be renamed from Gokatakara to Gokatakara.

Inspired by Mito Tonochu, he sells “Gokujo Gokabo,” which emphasizes the flavor of yellow powder.
Kumagaya’s specialty, Gokaho, which adds the flavor of yellow powder, goes on sale.
Changed the product name from Gokaho to “Wakakusa” along with quality improvement.

1937 (Showa 21)
Changed company name from Watto Confectionery Joint Stock Company to Watato Seika.

1961 (Showa 36)
Ice cream in the summer, hot in the winter, and he started manufacturing and wholesale of “Fukutoku Barley Tea” which is still delicious.

1964 (Showa 39)
Another company, Dainippon Seika Co., Ltd., went out of business.

1969 (Showa 44)
Relocated from Kamezawa, Sumida-ku, Tokyo to Higashi-Hoki, Adachi-ku, Tokyo.
Manufactures and sells “Superb Heirloom”, “Wakakusa” and “Fukutoku Barley Tea for business use”.

1999 (Heisei 11)
Started distribution to specialty stores and restarted the retail sector.

2004 (Heisei 16)
Start an internet shop.

2014 (Heisei 26)
Watato Confectionery was incorporated into Watato Co., Ltd.
